BINGO on-Demand
Instantly onboard and verify anyone, everywhere, anytime.
The secure AI-powered identity verification platform for everyone.
Verification sounds like a heavy task, BINGO on-Demand makes it easy.
Simple, no-code platform
Simple, no-code platform
BINGO on-Demand is a browser-based platform, you can send and manage verifications with a few clicks.
Face & document verification
Face & document verification
Be it your customers, business partners, or new hires—verify them with a fully remote and reliable process.
Instant results by AI screening
Instant results by AI screening
No business has time for 'pending review', our AI delivers instant and accurate results.
Verify individually or in bulk
Verify individually or in bulk
Choose between one-to-one and mass verification modes. Customise your verification projects to fit your specific needs.
Accessible with just a link
Accessible with just a link
Embed verification links directly to your platforms. Your counterparty can verify on the fly using their mobile phones—no app required
Face Verification with Passive Anti-spoofing
BINGO uses advanced passive face anti-spoofing AI to ensure the authenticity of selfies—preventing fraud from images, videos, or deepfakes—without any effort or movement from users.
Face Verification with Passive Anti-spoofing
Global Document Verification
Conduct business worldwide with BINGO's document verification system that supports global passports.
Support for other types of documents is available in SDK.
Global Document Verification
Instant, Automated AI Screening
Say goodbye to manual review, and hello to BINGO's instant AI screening delivering >99% accuracy, so your business can go forward without delay.
Instant, Automated AI Screening
Customisable Verification Invitations
Tailor your verification invitations to fit your needs, adjust settings such as accessibility (exclusive or public) and time validity.
Customisable Verification Invitations
Customer Onboarding
Deliver a seamless onboarding experience for your customers with BINGO on-Demand, streamlining workflows and administrative tasks so you can focus on value-adding tasks.
Know Your Customer & Business
Automate and enhance your KYC/KYB processes with BINGO on-Demand's advanced AI-powered biometric and document verification. Achieve accurate, real-time checks to meet regulatory requirements and build trust with your customers.
Web3 and Blockchain
BINGO on-Demand offers web3-native solutions for blockchain platforms, supporting KYC for crypto wallets and decentralised applications such as DeFi and social media.
HR (background check)
Use BINGO on-Demand to strengthen your background check procedure on potential hires, or the onboarding and HR management of your remote workforce.
Other Due Diligence
For occasional verification instances such as investor assessments or partner vetting, BINGO on-Demand is a versatile, on-demand solution for diverse needs.
Identity Verification Services
Elevate your identity verification offerings with BINGO on-Demand to deliver precise, reliable verification services, ensuring top-notch quality and trustworthiness.
BINGO Sunrise
The secure AI-powered identity verification platform for everyone.
Instantly onboard and verify anyone, everywhere, anytime.
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More Solutions
Explore our range of native mobile modules for iOS and Android apps, ensuring the smoothest responsiveness and a frictionless experience for your users.
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Privacy-preserving age verification powered by voice processing AI, ensuring compliance without compromising on user convenience or data privacy.
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